Eco Bay Hotel

Kino Bay

It is located on the coast of the Sea of ​​Cortez, in the center of the Sonoran coast, 107 kilometers from Hermosillo. It has an extensive white sand beach and beautiful blue waters and is known as the "Pearl of the Sea of ​​Cortez."

The bay has a modern tourist infrastructure that includes hotels, condominiums, parking for RVs, restaurants and boats for practicing all types of water sports.

The sea, the tranquility and pleasant water temperature allow you to practice swimming, sailing, water skiing, jet sky rides and boat rides.

Kino Bay is an excellent option for those who like diving, since the Sea of ​​Cortez is home to a great diversity of multicolored fish, thousands of small invertebrates, large crustaceans, manta rays, sponges and turtles; In the surroundings of the islands and rocks near the coast, during the dive you will be accompanied by curious sea lions.

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Hotel Eco Bay

Leaving the city to stay at EcoBay Hotel is a unique experience, you have everything you always wanted in one place, we offer the best stay, perfect for family fun and socializing.